If you ask most people what is their one major objective in life,
they would probably give you a vague answer, such as, "I want to
be successful, be happy, make a good living," and that is it.
They are all wishes and none of them are clear goals.
What is your favorite Goal attaining system? I prefer setting goals
using the S.M.A.R.T. system. If you don’t have a goal setting system, I
recommend this system. It’s a simple and effective way to set SMARTer
goals. It will help you identify key goals, areas of improvement and
also provides a worksheet to review periodically throughout the year.
In summary, S.M.A.R.T. goals need to be:
S: Specific, Significant, Stretching & Simple
Goals need to be specific. To set a specific goal set a well defined
goal. You should be able to clearly identify the goal and answer these
questions: Who are the stakeholders? What will you accomplish? Where
will you accomplish it? When will you accomplish it? and Why do you
want to accomplish this goal? I also like to use the S for $. Will it
cost anything or will it save money?
M: Measurable & Manageable
Goals need to be measurable. How will you measure your success? Can
you manage the progress towards your objective? Create a support system
from trusted friends, colleagues and others in your professional social
network to encourage you and help you measure your success.
A: Attainable, Attitude, Appropriate, Achievable, Assignable & Ambitious
Goals need to be attainable. Can you accomplish the list this year?
Is the goal achievable? Do you have the resources you need to attain
the goal? Develop the right attitude to ensure you achieve your goals.
Are you your best advocate? Be ambitious. Don’t settle for average
R: Relevant, Results, Results-focused, Results-oriented
Goals need to be relevant and results oriented. Is the goal relevant
to your career, business or personal goals? Be honest in the evaluation
of yourself.
T: Time-bound, Time framed, Time-Specific, Trackable
Goals need to have a time-frame. Is the goal time-bound? What is the
time-frame to complete the goal? Make sure to consider the time it will
take you to complete your goal by setting a time-frame and timeline to
complete the goal. Be wise and give yourself enough time to complete
the goal. Track your deliverables with project management tools.
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