Monday, April 9, 2012


Pay Attention
Upon further speculation, who do you know that has taken well to something of which was gifted, but was in poor condition upon receipt. Though this may initially sound self-centered, but realistically, how likely is it for any one to be ecstatic over an insignificant endowment, menial, undervalued, something more of a hindrance than it is a contribution to one’s level of influence, affluence or achievement? On the other side of the coin, we hear stories told everyday of one’s appreciation, excitement and elation when they discovered that they were the recipients of something substantial and momentous. It is in the moment we begin to look at our own lives – mind, body and soul – in this same capacity, that we will begin to witness a shift in our own lives and how it occurs to and for us.  As long as we continue to perceive this existence as something to struggle through, bear, or carry out, there will always be a void, a sense of lack and discontent. It is to the degree in which we are willing to pay attention, using time and energy as our means of exchange or barter, that we will experience what occurs in the world around us. If we expect pain or lack, we will experience things painfully disdainfully, doubtfully and fearfully. This hinders progress and evolution. If we expect to experience increase, success and fulfillment, we will experience things lovingly, excitedly, and abundantly. This, of course, promotes the freedom for expansion. Inspiration and Motivation

For a moment, visualize the experience of the life you would have if you chose to perceive and live it as though it was something of great value that you inherited through birthright. Imagine that someone told you at birth that your life was valued at $5,000,000, but only if you shared your gifts, talents, and innate state of being (peace, joy, unconditional love and servitude), while simultaneously striving to reach your highest potential. I guarantee you, your whole outlook would change to one filled with anticipation, exhilaration, value and self worth. Your faith and trust in our ability to succeed would be tremendously heightened and uninhibited.

Instead of seeing our worth, as well as, the opportunity to create a legacy through our inheritance, most of us make the mistake of being disgruntled about our current circumstances and situations; we take to complaining and competing, discounting and distrusting what we envision instead of living in the radiance of our gift. And when others appear to be living the lives we’d prefer, we grow consumed with envy and succumb to the urge to conform as a means of acquiring what we desire. Instead of reflecting or “seeing the silver lining” beyond what IS, we sometimes disprove everything we ever believed or learned. We lose sight of our deep-rooted objectives while stumbling blindly in the darkness beneath our “burdens.” We grow overwhelmed under the weight of disappointment; we misplace the confidence we need to surmount obstacles and challenges. In doing so, we allow sentiments of defeat to discourage us from staying the course of the intended outcome of our journey, despite what our environments and circumstances may suggest. Thus, we block the flow of our own inheritance by living in fear, lack of focus, in-authenticity, or by catering to distractions that do not fall in line with our truest aspirations.


The reason this occurs for the better part of us has much to do with entertaining our ego and its desires, instead of remaining centered on what is true and selfless. There is a significant difference in how we thrive, triumph and prosper when we see life through a lens concentrated on self or external awareness versus one focused through the spirit or internal awareness. Selfish intentions create the space for expectation and an actual idea of how something should come into fruition. Contrarily, selfless intentions create the space for the limitless unfolding of our uppermost aspirations and desires. With this in mind, consider how the effects disenchantment has on how we perceive ourselves, and our path when all we notice is what is missing. Now contemplate the effects of passionate resilience. It is in the release of our expectation for how inheritance shows up that we free ourselves enough to attract, mentally and energetically, what it is we prefer. We can become more in tune and in alignment with the infinite love, wisdom and intelligence that says, “I AM, through you, by you, and as you…all that is necessary for US to create preferred experiences are available RIGHT NOW…” We become more focused energies that lead us toward the fulfillment of our purpose; become courageous and strong enough to follow our own path, even if alone momentarily.

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