Word 4 U

Embracing Your Feelings

The simplest, yet at the same time, most challenging action one can endeavor to build a better relationship with self is to embrace their natural feelings and sentiments. Why is this so challenging for the majority of the population? Because somewhere along the line most of us have been conditioned to believe that expressing our feelings - especially those centered on showing/sharing truth, compassion, empathy and concern for our state of health and emotional wellbeing – bears signs of weakness. Similarly, it is quite likely that you have also grown accustomed to the fear that keeps you bound to choosing projection,  disconnection and insensitivity as opposed to throwing yourself selflessly and unreservedly in front of the speeding train called authenticity. Do you not find it amazing how the possibility of being perceived as fragile or pathetic keeps you from disclosing thoughts derived from the pain or discomfort you have experienced from others? What about the choice to refrain from sharing sentiments aroused by things, people or situations that bring bliss and enchantment, all to keep from appearing corny or trite? Now consider the possibilities for your life and your relationships if you were to embrace yourself AND your feelings completely.

Your life can take a significant turn when you begin to recognize and understand the advantages of heightening the awareness of, and embracing, your true feelings. It also helps to comprehend the drawbacks around the choice to suppress or hide them. Censoring what happens inside of you emotionally can only lead you on the path to an unfulfilled life. You automatically forfeit the opportunity to fully experience becoming the self you aspire when you opt to repress passion and desire. At some point, inner turmoil begins to brew as the authentic self begins to fight for position with the façade you present to the world. At the same time, you fail to realize that the appearance of your fabricated self will undoubtedly keep people from knowing and experiencing who you really are on the inside. In the process it is quite easy to wind up being cold and callous in nature, as most of your effort is placed towards keeping people at bay. All of this in an attempt to keep your innate self protected and unharmed. Yet, then you wonder why you maintain the propensity to experience diseased (also dis-eased), stressed and unhealthy states of existence – mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

In my opinion - and experience, the advantages of growing more aware and embracing your feelings, emotions and sentiments far outweigh the fears of being perceived as soft, cowardly or fragile.  Coming to this understanding takes time and patience (with self and others). It isn’t something that happens overnight. I have found that the more connected I am with my feelings, emotions, thoughts, the more compassionate I can be towards others in the world. And…the more compassionate I am towards others, the more I am able to attract loving individuals who in turn respect, appreciate and take care of my emotional wellbeing. I can never expect that to occur through the presence of others if I don’t at first know what that looks like for myself. Now certainly, there are those who do their best to take advantage of the kindness, empathy and generosity that I am able to offer consequent to my choice to be true to my innate qualities. However, as I have stated in other writings, when it comes to respecting the Law of Concentrated Attention, it is easy to understand why fearing or focusing on those types of individuals and their manipulative antics remains futile. Something to remember: It is your focus on negative experiences or feelings that perpetuates the presence of them in your life. You may as well place your energies on reaching for better feelings, people, situations or circumstances. Avoidance or wasting time trying to force others to treat you as you prefer and deserve goes against the natural flow of the Universe. Simply choose something better and healthier. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but you must start to understand how the “choice for something better” than what you are currently experiencing is always in front of you.

1 comment:

  1. You have been my inspiration every time I read your daily updates and messages I gets a new perception upon my life I thank God for having met you. May God bless you always and feed you with more encouraging messages to inspire and motivate others.
