Friday, February 24, 2012


Whether it be through setting goals and meeting them; or living a carefree in pursuit of all things that bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment; or taking risks in our attempt to shoot for the stars; or even attempting to follow the path of least resistance to ensure that our lives remain as simple and conflict free as possible, the key to creating the life we desire can be found in nurturing cultivating our environments. Not just that, but we must begin to learn how to do so in a way that speaks to, looks like or falls in alignment with the self we envision stepping into at some point in our future – near or far.

For the sake of illustration, imagine that foundation on which it your life rooted is a garden. Now, in order to bring to fruition the results you aspire to attain, you must first allow yourself the opportunity to take inventory of where you are. Meaning, every now and then, we have to be accountable for the terrain or surroundings we’ve somehow managed to propagate throughout our journeys.

It isn’t just about being mindful of the seeds that we sow, but also about being aware of the elements with which we use to fertilize our gardens. This is useful in being able to decipher whether or not our plot will wind up being a utopian paradise that bears blossoms that will inspire others or a dark and dreary burial site for our dreams and desires.

Here is where we can reflect over our lives and start to explore whether or not we have been the tenders of our own gardens. In the discovery that we have not been responsible for tilling and maintaining our landscapes, there lies an opportunity for improvement. You see, we – and no one else – should at the very least be responsible for choosing the space where whatever we plant can flourish and reach its full potential.

Taking into consideration the Law of Causality (cause and effect), in order to reap great results for our lives, we have to be keenly aware of these three essential aspects of our journey to self-actualization: Cause = our mind, which actually gives birth to our ideas, perceptions and visions; all of which impacts our thoughts, actions and beliefs; Conditions = our internal and external environments, the space in which we are able to cultivate whatever it is we aspire to create, achieve or attain; Effects = our results, which harvest consequent to the merging of our causes and conditions.

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