Tuesday, February 28, 2012


On Carlos Santana's (winner of 8 Grammy’s in one night like Michael Jackson)property in San Rafael, California, about twenty minutes north of San Francisco, there are two buildings. The house closer to the water is where the family lives: Santana, his wife, Deborah, and their three children. The other house, a little higher up the hill, he calls the church. "Here's where I hang out with Jimi(dead Jimi Hendrix) and Miles(dead Miles Davis) and whoever, and play and meditate," he explains. Santana is a night person, so he'll come up here until two or three in the morning. A card with the word "Metatron" spelled out in intricately painted picture letters lies on the floor next to the fireplace. Metatron is an angel. Santana has been in regular contact with him since 1994. Carlos will sit here facing the wall, the candles lit. He has a yellow legal pad at one side, ready for the communications that will come. "It's kind of like a fax machine," he says.
Jimmi Hendrix

We talk of angels and the suchlike. There are few conversations with him that don't lead to a discussion of angels, or of the spiritual radio through which music comes. Santana has been increasingly engaged by angels since the day in 1988 when he picked up a book on the subject at the Milwaukee airport. "It's an enormous peace, the few times I have felt the presence in the room," he says. "I feel lit up. I'm not Carlos anymore, I'm not bound to DNA anymore. It's beyond sex, it's beyond anything that this world could give you a buzz. It makes me feel like Jesus embraced me and I'm bathed in light."

His attitude is: Now, in the wake of the success of his latest album, the 7 million-selling Supernatural, the world is interested in hearing him talk, and he is going to talk about the things he finds important. "What are you going to say?" he scoffs. "'There's no business like show business'?" Not in his case. "I don't care, man, about what anybody thinks about my reality," he says. "My reality is that God speaks to you every day. There's an inner voice, and when you hear it, you get a little tingle in your medulla oblongata at the back of your neck, a little shiver, and at two o'clock in the morning, everything's really quiet and you meditate and you got the candles, you got the incense and you've been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear this voice: Write this down. It is just an inner voice, and you trust it. That voice will never take you to the desert." 
Carlos Santana performing in a previous Concert

Santana credits Metatron with alerting him to the recent changes in his life. In the mid-Nineties, he met some people in a spiritual bookstore near his home, and they invited him to their afternoon meditations in Santa Cruz. The last time he was there, Metatron delivered some important messages. "You will be inside the radio frequency," Metatron told him, "for the purpose of connecting the molecules with the light." Carlos Santana understood. He would make a new album and be on the radio again. And he would connect the molecules with the light: He would connect an audience with some of the spiritual information he now had. Metatron offered a further instruction: "Be patient, gracious and grateful," Santana was told, and he resolved to do just that.
[Excerpt From Rolling Stone Magazine Issue 836 — March 16, 2000]
Metatron (from Greek Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix.). Metatron is an angel in Judaism, some branches of Christianity and Islamic tradition Witchcraft. However, there are no references to him in the Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament), the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) or any Islamic source.There is no consensus as to his genesis or the role that he plays in the hierarchy of Heaven and Hell. A mysterious figure, Metatron is identified with the term, "lesser YHVH" which is the Lesser Tetragrammaton - in a Talmudic version read by the Karaite scholar Kirkisani. The word 'Metatron' is numerically equivalent to Shaddai according to Hebrew gematria, therefore he is said to have a "Name like his Master". This would appear to be Lucifer when he had said “I will be like the most high” Isaiah 14 v 12-15
Lucifer Metatron already had an exalted throne above the stars of heaven but wanted more. There may be two Metatrons, one spelled with six letters, and one spelled with seven. The former erroneously thought to be the transformed Enoch, while the latter is the Primordial Metatron.
We already know that Lucifer was the Chief musician of heaven so is this all just mere coincidence or not? I suggest we look a little deeper at music itself and what it does to the brain. Every known culture on the earth has music. Music seems to be one of the basic actions of humans. However, early music was not handed down from generation to generation or recorded. Hence, there is no official record of "prehistoric" music. Even so, there is evidence of prehistoric music from the findings of flutes carved from bones.
The influence of music on society can be clearly seen from modern history. Music helped Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence. When he could not figure out the right wording for a certain part, he would play his violin to help him. The music helped him get the words from his brain onto the paper. Albert Einstein is recognized as one of the smartest men who has ever lived. Music was the key that helped Albert Einstein become one of the smartest men who has ever lived. Einstein himself says that the reason he was so smart is because he played the violin. He loved the music of Mozart and Bach the most. A friend of Einstein, G.J. Withrow, said that the way Einstein figured out his problems and equations was by improvising on the violin.
In general, responses to music can be observed. It has been proven that music influences humans both in good and bad ways. These effects are instant and long lasting. Music is thought to link all of the emotional, spiritual, and physical elements of the universe. Music can also be used to change a person's mood, and has been found to cause similar physical responses in many people simultaneously. Music also has the ability to strengthen or weaken emotions from a particular event such as a funeral. We have seen this effect often in Gospel music with both positive and negative results. It is very clear that music does have an effect and is not neutral.
Rhythm is also an important aspect of music to study when looking at responses to music. There are two responses to rhythm. These responses are hard to separate because they are related, and one of these responses cannot exist without the other. These responses are (1) the actual hearing of the rhythm and (2) the physical response to the rhythm. The way in which a person will express that response physically with body movement we generally call dancing. The human body is made up of rhythmic movements, for example, the body contains rhythms in the heartbeat, while walking, during breathing, etc. For example, early missionaries to Africa thought that the nationals had bad rhythm. The missionaries said that when the nationals played on their drums it sounded like they were not beating in time. However, it was later discovered that the nationals were beating out complex polyrhythmic beats such as 2 against 3, 3 against 4, and 2 against 3 and 5, etc. These beats were too advanced for the missionaries to follow. Responses to music are easy to be detected in the human body. For example classical music from the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. As the body becomes relaxed and alert, the mind is able to concentrate more easily. Furthermore, baroque music decreases blood pressure and enhances the ability to learn. Music affects the amplitude and frequency of brain waves, which can be measured by an electroencephalogram. Music also affects breathing rate and electrical resistance of the skin. It has been observed to cause the pupils to dilate, increase blood pressure, and increase the heart rate.
Music played at around 60 beats per minute pattern can activate the left and right brain, this simultaneous activity maximizes both learning and retention of information. The information activates the left brain whilst the music activates the right brain. Simply using music while learning does not absolutely guarantee recall but can possibly improve it.

Background music in itself is not a part of the learning process, but it does enter into memory along with the information learned. Recall is better when the same music used for learning is used during recall. Also, tempo appears to be a key of music's effect on memory.
It is not just mere coincidence that many preachers enjoy a period in the sermon when music is used to enhance the delivery of the word and repetition is used. However, scientists tell us that the human mind shuts down after three or four repetitions of a rhythm, or a melody, or a harmonic progression. Furthermore, excessive repetition causes people to release control of their thoughts. Rhythmic repetition is used by people who are trying to push certain ethics in their music.
An Australian physician and psychiatrist, Dr. John Diamond, found a direct link between muscle strength/weakness and music. He discovered that all of the muscles in the entire body go weak when subjected to the "stopped anapestic beat" of music from hard rock musicians, including Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper, Queen, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Bachman - Turner Overdrive, and The Band. Dr. Diamond found another effect of the stopped anapestic beat. He called it a "switching" of the brain. Dr. Diamond said this switching occurs when the actual symmetry between both of the cerebral hemispheres is destroyed causing alarm in the body along with lessened work performance, learning and behavior problems in children, and a "general malaise in adults." In addition to harmful, irregular beats in rock music, shrill frequencies prove to also be harmful to the body. Bob Larson, a Christian minister and former rock musician, remembers that in the 70's teens would bring raw eggs to a rock concert and put them on the front of the stage. The eggs would be hard boiled by the music before the end of the concert and could be eaten. The human body vibrates at a rate of 7.8 to 8 cycles per second when it is most natural and relaxed. The alpha brain waves, which correspond to a state of relaxation, are also in the 8 cycles per second range. The earth itself vibrates at the same vibrational frequency of 8 cycles per second. The stopped anapestic beat is based on a short  long pause pattern. This rhythm is the basis of most rock, pop and dance songs of today. This beat is the opposite of the body’s natural rhythm and throws everything “out of sync”. Sound can be used to tune into the frequencies given off by the internal organs of the body to diagnose sickness such as cancer before physical symptoms appear or to be used in the healing process. There is so much more that I could say here but I will simply that we must take great care and notice of music in its every form and not deny the power there is in it. Those of us who choose to use music a part of our ministry must use it wisely understanding all the implications therein.
Written by: Bishop John Chambers.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Change Vs. Attitude: The way sees and perceives thing matters a lot in the decisions you makes for your life. Every time you finds it difficult to change things in your life. Change you attitude then it will change you perception, then it will change your action then it will definitely change your lifestyle.

LITTLE THINGS MAKES A WORLD TURNAROUND: The little things we normally does no matter what stage or situation we are makes the changes we always sees in the world today.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Have you ever reached to a situation everything seems to be against or above you, you get to a point to have more reasons to give up than keep holding up on life; Here are some of encouragement thoughts which will lift your inner spirit and inspire your life;

Encouragement No. 1
The purpose of life is not crystal clear, especially when the path is sometimes paved with fear. Keep the faith, and trust God’s guidance. Pray for strength and courage to help cope with the struggles. Know my prayers are with you everyday while you work through these storms of life.

Encouragement No. 2
When the sun disappears behind the clouds, remember that I am here to walk with you through the storms of life.  I'll hold your hand and hide with you when the lightening strikes.  Come in from the rain, and I'll dry your clothes and offer you a warm place to find comfort.  Remember that sooner or later, the clouds dissipate, and the sun is seen once again.  I'll be here with you even then because I believe in you.

Encouragement No. 3
Life throws us curve balls, and the umpire doesn't get to call "foul" because life gets to call the shots.  Even when times sneak up on us and hit us in the back of the head, we can find strength and rest in knowing that we are loved by our family and friends.  You are loved, and I know you will make it through this difficult time.

Encouragement No. 4
If you forget that you are strong, unique, gifted, funny, blessed, and so entirely loved by everyone who knows you, just give me a call and I'll remind you.  Hang in there.

Encouragement No. 5
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord at my side. As we were walking along, scenes from different times in my life flashed across the sky. In most scenes I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. But there were scenes of troubled times when there were only one set of footprints. So I said to the Lord, "Why weren't you there when I needed you the most?" The Lord replied, "My child, when you saw only one set of footprints, this was when I carried you."

Never give up you keep holding and all shall be better. Your past never makes your life bitter but encourages you to be more  stable to stick to your success than loosing it. Nothing comes your way beyond your ability and everything happens for a reason. You are more than what "they" thinks you are.


Friday, February 24, 2012


Whether it be through setting goals and meeting them; or living a carefree in pursuit of all things that bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment; or taking risks in our attempt to shoot for the stars; or even attempting to follow the path of least resistance to ensure that our lives remain as simple and conflict free as possible, the key to creating the life we desire can be found in nurturing cultivating our environments. Not just that, but we must begin to learn how to do so in a way that speaks to, looks like or falls in alignment with the self we envision stepping into at some point in our future – near or far.

For the sake of illustration, imagine that foundation on which it your life rooted is a garden. Now, in order to bring to fruition the results you aspire to attain, you must first allow yourself the opportunity to take inventory of where you are. Meaning, every now and then, we have to be accountable for the terrain or surroundings we’ve somehow managed to propagate throughout our journeys.

It isn’t just about being mindful of the seeds that we sow, but also about being aware of the elements with which we use to fertilize our gardens. This is useful in being able to decipher whether or not our plot will wind up being a utopian paradise that bears blossoms that will inspire others or a dark and dreary burial site for our dreams and desires.

Here is where we can reflect over our lives and start to explore whether or not we have been the tenders of our own gardens. In the discovery that we have not been responsible for tilling and maintaining our landscapes, there lies an opportunity for improvement. You see, we – and no one else – should at the very least be responsible for choosing the space where whatever we plant can flourish and reach its full potential.

Taking into consideration the Law of Causality (cause and effect), in order to reap great results for our lives, we have to be keenly aware of these three essential aspects of our journey to self-actualization: Cause = our mind, which actually gives birth to our ideas, perceptions and visions; all of which impacts our thoughts, actions and beliefs; Conditions = our internal and external environments, the space in which we are able to cultivate whatever it is we aspire to create, achieve or attain; Effects = our results, which harvest consequent to the merging of our causes and conditions.